Remote Work in Hungary

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Working from Home Policy in Hungary

General guidelines

Remote work is carried out fully or partially outside the employer’s premises. This could be the employee’s home or another place. The employment agreement may set a specific place of work. Otherwise, the place of work is the place where employees normally conduct their work.

The specific conditions of remote work are agreed upon in writing in the employment agreement.

There are some general statutory rules of remote work; however, parties may agree upon different rules in their employment agreement:

  • The employer may give instructions to the employee but only in the context of assigning tasks.
  • The employer may control the employee via electronic devices.
  • The employee spends not more than one-third of the working time at the employer’s premises while performing the duties.

Employers who have employees working from home are obliged to do the following:

  • provide employees with the equipment necessary to perform the work, such as a computer or a laptop, unless otherwise agreed in the employment contract (e.g., employees use their own technical equipment)
  • cover all necessary and verified costs of the employee
  • provide the employee with appropriate technical support and necessary training targeted at the service of the equipment unless separately agreed otherwise
  • provide the employee with information and requirements for operating the equipment and keeping it in a good condition
  • provide the employee with an ability to enter the work premises and contact the colleagues unless otherwise not agreed upon
  • provide other technical or documentary support according to the individual/collective employment agreement

Employees who work remotely are obliged to do the following:

  • designate a specific area (at the place they work remotely) to serve as a workplace
  • store and use the equipment provided by the employer properly
  • observe and maintain the employer’s policy on the organisation of work and health and safety at work
  • provide the employer with an access to their home office within the working hours in compliance with health and safety at work

Health & safety at home

In line with the latest practice, employers shall be held liable for accidents at the “narrowly defined” place of work. According to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, this applies to a small (2–4 m2) area in which employees perform their work.

To control the observance of the health and safety requirements and rules, the employer has limited access to the employee’s home office only within working hours and after a mandatory prior notification.

Employers are advised to prepare an internal policy to set the remote work general rules and conditions in light of the health and safety regulations. The employer may and shall examine the remote work location to ensure that the employee can work in a way that is in line with the safety regulations.

Workspace guidelines



Working conditions

Employees working from home must enjoy the same individual and collective rights as all employees, including benefits. Employers must also ensure they offer training, development and promotion opportunities to remote work employees. If they do not, they may be seen as in breach of contract or might see employees raise discrimination allegations. Employers must also ensure that employees don't work beyond the maximum daily working hours.

Employers who would like to monitor employees' remote work (use of email or website visits) must first obtain the employee's and any representative's consent. Employers must inform employees if they are monitoring them and give a reason for it. Moreover, employers should put in place a clear, written policy and procedure.

Recommendations for employees working from home:

  • Take appropriate breaks every 30 minutes to ensure repetitive actions are not continued for long periods and stand up at least once per hour
  • Stretch and change posture often, and if possible, alternate activities
  • Check for a comfortable posture
  • Don't do any lifting, pushing, or carrying type tasks beyond your physical capacity
  • Keep wrists in a neutral (straight) position—not bent up or down
  • Sitting posture is upright or slightly reclined, maintaining slight hollow in the lower back
  • Establish boundaries around work hours
  • Schedule regular meetings and catch-ups with the team
  • Go outdoors and exercise daily, if possible

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