Hiring globally? Discover key employment law changes across 20+ countries happening in 2025 to ensure your team remains compliant.
Download the GuideUnlike what we do in most other countries, where we either use an Employer of Record model or a temp agency licence, in Finland we directly employ your workers using our local entity. The mechanics involve a two-party arrangement between the worker and Boundless, in which we outline that they will be providing service to you as our client.
We take legal responsibility for the workers, calculating and paying social security and health insurance contributions, running their payroll, filing taxes, etc.
Employing through Boundless is possible for an indefinite period. During that time, the employee has access to full statutory employment rights, including paid time off and other forms of paid leave, access to unemployment benefits, and a host of protections.
In Finland, collective bargaining agreements influence various employment regulations. When employing through a company like Boundless, there is no change to the collective bargaining agreement that regulates the employee’s industry.
We establish and maintain the legal employment relationship with the worker through an employment agreement.
We register the employee to all relevant authorities. We set up The employer's retirement pension insurance (“työnantajan eläkevakuutus” in Finnish), The employment accident insurance (“työtapaturmavakuutus” in Finnish), Health insurance (“sairausvakuutus” in Finnish), The group life insurance (“ryhmähenkivakuutus” in Finnish), and The unemployment insurance (“työttömyysvakuutus” in Finnish).
Every month we calculate the payroll, deduct all mandatory contributions such as the insurance premium, and provide the worker with a payslip.
We file all necessary taxes and pay mandatory contributions to respective authorities.
You sign our standard commercial agreement that we use for most of the countries we are in, which you can end with one month's notice.
The employee signs an employment contract with Boundless before the start of the employment.
Throughout the employment the worker will need to provide time tracking sheets.
If an employee wants to end their employment they will need to send us the resignation letter, stating their resignation and last working day.
Master the complexities of global employment and ensure a seamless employment experience for your team.
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