Remote Work in Denmark

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Working from Home Policy in Denmark

Employers should provide employees working from home equipment, such as a computer, cellphone and internet connection. The company must ensure that employees have a place to work from home and do not have any additional expenses due to their work from home.

The Danish working environment regulations apply to work from home, and the employer should inform employees that the Danish working environment regulation applies. In turn, the employee must acknowledge and comply with this. Employers are also advised to inspect the home offices of employees to ensure compliance with the working environment regulation.

Health & safety at home

Employers are advised to add health and safety at home regulations in the company's internal handbook. Employers should instruct the employees about health and safety matters related to remote work. Employees working with a display screen should take breaks regularly to rest their eyes.

Workspace Guidelines in Denmark

Employees must care for their health and safety and follow any reasonable policies or directions their employer gives them. They should inform employers of any work-related incidents or injuries that occur while working remotely.

An appropriate workstation will include the following:

  • Good level of illumination, both natural and artificial light sources should not create glare on the computer
  • Sufficient lighting level for visual tasks to be completed without eye strain
  • Good level of ventilation and thermal comfort
  • Unobstructed exit path in case of emergencies, including electrical cords, uneven carpet, clutter
  • Proper storage for documents



Working conditions

Recommendations for employees working remotely:

  • Take appropriate breaks every 30 minutes to ensure repetitive actions are not continued for long periods and stand up at least once per hour
  • Stretch and change posture often, and if possible, alternate activity.
  • Make sure they always have a comfortable posture
  • Don't do any lifting, pushing, or carrying type tasks beyond the physical capacity
  • Keep wrists upright while typing and make sure they are not supported on any surface while typing
  • Sitting posture is upright or slightly reclined, maintaining slight hollow in the lower back
  • Establish boundaries around work hours
  • Schedule regular meetings and catch-ups with the team.
  • Go outdoors and exercise daily, if possible

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