Benefits in Denmark

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Mandatory Employee Benefits in Denmark

According to the Danish Working Environmental Act, the employer is obliged to ensure that employees can carry out the work safely and correctly. This means that the employer must ensure that the employees have the necessary equipment to carry out the work, including a computer, mobile phone, internet etc.

Furthermore, if the employee has any expenses to carry out the work, the employer must refund these.

If the employee is allowed to use company-paid equipment (e.g. computer, internet and mobile phone) for private purposes, please note that this is taxable with approx. DKK 242 per month.    

Non-Mandatory Employee Benefits in Denmark

The most common non-mandatory benefits in Denmark.

Additional annual leave

Some companies give employees an extra week of paid annual leave.

Private pension fund

Private pension plans are a standard benefit in Denmark, which the employer and the employee contribute both to (on average 6%-10% of salary). Since public pensions are relatively small, offering a private pension adding it to the salary package makes employers more competitive.

Career development allowance

Some tech companies offer employees a set allowance for developing their skills as well as days off to study.

Flexible working hours

Most tech companies offer flexibility to employees, to choose what hours they want to work and have better work and life balance.

Hardware and phone

Most tech companies provide hires with various equipment.


Some tech companies offer paid massages to help employees who spend the day in front of the computer.


Depending on the employee's position, some companies offer a bonus based on KPIs.


Some companies give employees free medical insurance.

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